
Wednesday, 18 October 2017

1101PEA - 1.1_Assessment - Snow Planet

  • Explain the physical activity you participated in.
The physical activity I participated in was a school trip for both the L1 P.E classes to snow planet and physical activity I participated in there was snow boarding which requires some experience, skill and good balance. There were two big groups of our classes one that wanted to ski and one that wanted to snow board ad our snow boarding group got split into two because there were up to three or four instructors for our snow boarding group they taught us how to move with the board, clip the board on and off and stay on the board without tipping backwards or forward I went down many times and did well half and all the others I fell but continued to get up then it was time for the instructors to go they told us that we were to not go any higher until we have proved our self to the teachers that we can do turns and stop with full control I tried to do this but slightly failed the first time by having touch the ground so I didn't hit the wall but the second times I did it perfectly but so I had decided to go up higher using the lift but it was difficult keeping hold of the handle and staying on my board because we were told to leave one foot clipped and the other out. I couldn't manage to keep hold of the handle and keep balance by holding my board down so I gave up and went back down. Shortly after I tried again and was fine until I looked back and slipped and had to let go of the lift then as I was attempting to get hold of it again because they had stopped it it continued moving. Which was when I gave up and kicked by board down the hill in hopelessness and went inside to warm up.

  • What level of effort and engagement were you participating at during today’s physical activity? Why? (Grade yourself NA, A or M and refer to marking criteria)
Merit :

- Does their best
- Resourceful and enterprising
- Motivated and reliable in the practical context

  • What were three factors which influenced your participation? and put a + or - beside the three factors to show whether it positively or negatively influenced your participation).
- Challenge +
- Equipment -
- Injury/illness -

  • Explain HOW these factors affected your participation (with specific examples)
Challenge (+) Challenge positively influenced my participation because even though it was a struggle to keep control all the time when snow boarding I fell but got back up knowing that It was going to be a challenge but a challenge that I would accept which increased the amount of my participation.

Equipment ( - ) Equipment negatively influenced my participation because I had brought all the right gear(warm clothes) and even brought my own ski goggles,some gloves and a beanie but the equipment that negatively influenced my participation was the gloves they were not snow gloves they were just sport gloves of some type so when they got wet from all the snow it got to the point where all my fingers were so cold that they went numb so I began to get scared for the sake of the safety of keeping my fingers to I stopped for a bit to get proper gloves which decreased my participation.

Injury/illness ( - ) Injury/illness negatively influenced my participation because I had previously injured one of the fingers on my dominant hand so it was slightly difficult to snow board for ages and make sure I didn't injure it luckily the only bad thing that happened to it was it went numb form all the cold so overall it decreased my participation because I could have potentially done a lot more if my dominant hand was not injured at all.

How could you increase your (or your peers) participation in this activity in the future?

I could have worn the right gloves not had a injured hand on the day and to increase others participation I could have encouraged the people sitting around at the top to just keep skiing or to just keep snow boarding instead of sitting around.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

1101PEA_1.1 Assessment - Tag

  • Explain the physical activity you participated in.
The physical activity I participated in was Tag. The tag I am explaining is not the tag little kids play on the play ground. Tag is like ripper rugby and if you don't know what that is tag is a game that requires a Velcro belt and two tags for each player and a rugby ball. The rules are no forward passes, no kicking only drop kicking on final, hand over if you drop the ball or fail to intercept, 3-6 rips depending on how many players, you must tap the ball and pass when starting and roll the ball through the legs after being ripped. And obviously you must rip at least one tag off the player running with the ball. Other rules you could add are if two players rip both tags off the opponent with the ball that could be two rips even though it was only one player. Another rule is that you can just tap and pass if you want after being ripped.

  • What level of effort and engagement were you participating at during today’s physical activity? Why? (Grade yourself NA, A or M and refer to marking criteria)

Merit -

- Does their best
- Motivated and reliable in the practical context
- Shows enjoyment of the of the intent of the activity

  • What were three factors which influenced your participation? put a + or - beside the three factors to show whether it positively or negatively influenced your participation).
- Fitness
- Injury/illness
- Equipment

  • Explain HOW these factors affected your participation (with specific examples)
- Fitness (+) Fitness positively influenced my participation because I enjoyed participating because I could tell it was improving my fitness because I was running lots and was sweating by the end of the session.

- Injury/illness ( - ) Injury/illness negatively influenced my participation because mid way through the first period of our double period in the rec I tried scoring and slid over the line on my but and hit my elbow and knee on the ground which kind of hurt which ended up slightly affecting my participation but not by much.

- Equipment ( - ) Equipment negatively influenced my participation because even though I had my gear but the shirt I wore was a sports shirt which I'm pretty sure is for out doors because I get no air what so ever passing through it when in doors which caused it to be very hot and sweaty which wasn't necessarily pleasant so this decreased my participation slightly as well because I ended up being hot and tired and not participating as much.

  • How could you increase your (or your peers) participation in this activity in the future?
Pretty much just make sure that there are no courses or out of class activities when we have a double period of practical because there were courses going on which ended up making about just under half our class absent from the session we had.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

1101PEA_1.1 Assessment_Half court Basketball 2 v 2's

  • Explain the physical activity you participated in.
The physical activity we participated in was basketball but we only did half court basketball because there were only about six of us and one of two students would be doing their verbal assessments. The rules were the out lines were normal but the half way line was also an outline and that would be the spot that you check the ball to start a round and we did winners check. Another rule to half court basketball is that you have to run back to the 3 pointer line to be able to shoot if an opponent has shot and only hit the rim. But if your opponent happens to take a shot but not hit the rim you can proceed to take the ball and shoot without having to run back to the 3 pointer line.   

  • What level of effort and engagement were you participating at during today’s physical activity? Why? (Grade yourself NA, A or M and refer to marking criteria)
- Does their best
- Shows enjoyment of the intent of the activity
- Works hard towards the goal or objective of the activity

  • What were three factors which influenced your participation? (Choose from the list below, and put a + or - beside the three factors to show whether it positively or negatively influenced your participation).
- Friends/class mates ( - )

- Competition (+)

- Fun/enjoyment (+)

  • Explain HOW these factors affected your participation (with specific examples)
- Friends/class mates ( - ) Friends/class mates negatively influenced my participation because there were five of us instead of 4 or 6 so I ended up playing slightly less to let others play.

- Competition (+) Competition positively influenced my participation because I liked the competition between the game because there were only 4 of us.

- Fun/enjoyment (+) Fun/enjoyment positively influenced my participation because I quite enjoy basketball especially when there's only a little amount of players.

How could you increase your (or your peers) participation in this activity in the future?

I could remind my class mates how important these practical seasons are because they are worth a lot helpful amount of credits.

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

11PEA_1.1 Assessment_ Childhood games

  • Explain the physical activity you participated in.
The physical activity I participated in was a bunch of childhood games. There were several games to be played such as hop scotch, leap frog, skipping, handball and octopus. We started off playing leap frog after we had split into two equal teams and we raced to the end and back by leaping over each other and we ended up winning it was a very different and quite humorous. Next we had played octopus as a whole class it was a pretty average but still fun game of octopus. Then we were free to do any of the activities without being in a group even though every one just instantly went to go play handball same with me. it was pretty fun.

  • What level of effort and engagement were you participating at during today’s physical activity? Why? (Grade yourself NA, A or M and refer to marking criteria)
- Merit
Marking criteria :
- Does their best 
- Shows enjoyment of the intent of the activity
- Seeks to improve their performance through development of skills, well-being and fitness 

  • What were three factors which influenced your participation? (Choose from the list below, and put a + or - beside the three factors to show whether it positively or negatively influenced your participation).
- Well being
- Friends/class mates
- Previous experience
  • Explain HOW these factors affected your participation (with specific examples)
Well being - (+) Well being positively influenced my participation because the games we all played were enjoyable and pleasant which increased my participation.

Friends/class mates - (+) Friends/class mates positively influenced my participation because my participation.

Previous experience - (+) Previous experience positively influenced my participation because I and many others had played all the games we participated in. So this meant we all knew the rules and ended up participating more because of that.

  • How could you increase your (or your peers) participation in this activity in the future?
I could increase my(or my peers) participation by encouraging them to join in no matter the activity.

Monday, 11 September 2017

1101PEA 1.1 - Volleyball

  • Explain the physical activity you participated in.
The physical activity I participated in was Volleyball. It is a summer sport that requires a net a volleyball and a flat surface. Volleyball is a sport that usually requires a team of six players and the roles for each player would be along these lines. Front left, front centre, front right, back left, back right and server. How to play. To play this sport you must hit ball over net to the opponents team using only your hands and you must hit it in a volleyball fashion such as the spike, serve, set or dig. The goal of the game is to hit the ball to the opposing team and make it hit the ground whilst still in and not on or outside the outlines.

  • What level of effort and engagement were you participating at during today’s physical activity? Why? (Grade yourself NA, A or M and refer to marking criteria)
M - Merit
(Marking criteria)
- Does their best
- Supports the development by assisting with their needs when required
- Shows enjoyment of the intent of the activity
- Works hard towards the goal or objective of the activity
  • What were three factors which influenced your participation? (Choose from the list below, and put a + or - beside the three factors to show whether it positively or negatively influenced your participation).
- Challenge
- Skill level
- Previous experience
  • Explain HOW these factors affected your participation (with specific examples)
Challenge - ( - ) Challenge negatively influenced my participation because a majority of our class including me wasn't very good at volleyball which made it a bit of a challenge sometimes when playing.

Skill level - ( - ) Skill level also negatively influenced my participation because mine and others skill level wasn't very high when playing volleyball which decreased my participation because games wouldn't last very long and it ended up being just muck around games.

Previous experience - (+) Previous experience positively influenced my participation because I've known how to play and the rules to volleyball since primary which increased my participation because I knew how to hit the ball most times it came to me and knew when to set or when I was to spike.

How could you increase your (or your peers) participation in this activity in the future?
I could increase my (or my peers) participation by reminding them how to hit the ball no matter how it's coming at them.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

1101PEA - Turbo Touch

  • Explain the physical activity you participated in.
The physical activity I participated in today was Turbo touch there are many different ways and rules of playing this game but these are the rules and how we decided to play the game. How to play the game you use a rugby ball and you are able to pass any where you want as long as the ball does not touch the ground. There are two try zones on either sides of the court or field you play on each try zone is a rectangular shaped space horizontally placed along the court/field. That is how you play the but here are the rules. You must make sure you pass at least twice before scoring and to score you must run the ball up to the line and place it in the try zone with out entering it or you can pass it in to a team mate standing by the try zone. You must tap the ball before starting You can only be touched twice then you must hand the ball over and if you drop the ball it is a hand over and you must be two metres away from the person tapping the ball if on the defending team.

  • What level of effort and engagement were you participating at during today’s physical activity? Why? (Grade yourself NA, A or M and refer to marking criteria)

My level of effort and engagement to participating in this activity is shown below M - merit
Marking criteria :
 - Does their best
- Enhances the experience of other participants by adding their own input to the activity
- Works hard towards the goal or objective of the activity
- Supports the development of others by assisting with their needs when required
- Shows enjoyment of the intent of the activity
- Motivated and reliable in the practical context

  • What were three factors which influenced your participation? (Choose from the list below, and put a + or - beside the three factors to show whether it positively or negatively influenced your participation).

1. Environment
2. Skill level
3. Past experience

  • Explain HOW these factors affected your participation (with specific examples)
- Environment ( - ) - Environment negatively influenced not only my participation but other year levels participation because half of our school REC was closed for safety reasons and it was muddy and wet outside so it stopped the year twelves from doing practical and also made us have to do practical with the year nines which was a new experience for every one.

- Skill level (+) - Skill level positively influenced my participation because most the boys including me are pretty good at turbo touch which increased the amount of game time I had.

- Past experience ( + ) - Past experience positively influenced my participation because we had played turbo touch many times before and tended to get pretty good at it which also increased my game time and how much I played.

How could you increase your (or your peers) participation in this activity in the future?

I could increase my and my peers participation in the future by encouraging the year nines or even other peers in my class to participate and sub on every now and then and offering the year nines to sub on for me like I had done today.

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Bench Ball_1101PEA

  • Explain the physical activity you participated in.
The physical activity I participated in was called bench ball which is like dodge ball but isn't because the objective of the game is to grab as many balls as possible that are lined up in the middle of the gym when the whistle is blown and what you are to do is each team is to run through the opponents team and reach the bench on the other side the first person to reach the bench must stay at the bench then their team mates are to throw balls to the team mate on the bench once they catch it they throw it back and the person who threw it is then able to run and try reach the bench. This is continued to until four team mates are on the opposing teams bench that is how you win.    
  • What level of effort and engagement were you participating at during today’s physical activity? Why? (Grade yourself NA, A or M and refer to marking criteria)
I rate my level of effort and engagement for today's activity a M/Merit
Marking criteria :
- Does their best
- Shows enjoyment of the intent of the activity
- Works hard towards the goal or objective of the activity

  • What were three factors which influenced your participation? (Choose from the list below, and put a + or - beside the three factors to show whether it positively or negatively influenced your participation).
- Friends/classmates 
- Environment
- Fun/enjoyment
  • Explain HOW these factors affected your participation.
- Friends/classmates(+) - Friends/classmates positively influenced my participation because my friend and I were working together very well and we would pass the ball back and forth once I was on the bench and we won about twice from doing it

- Environment(+) - Environment positively influenced my participation because I enjoy doing activities like bench ball and dodge ball in places like our school REC centre

- Fun/enjoyment(+) - Fun/enjoyment positively influenced my participation because the activity we were participating in I ended up finding it very fun and I enjoyed it a lot because we worked as a team and every one got a long well after.   

  • How could you increase your (or your peers) participation in this activity in the future ?
I could increase the participation of myself or my peers participation by telling them a day before hand to bring gear and come school and enjoy the activity.

1101PEA_Fitness Suite Circuit

  • Explain the physical activity you participated in.
The physical activity I participated in was a fitness circuit (In this situation a circuit is a small group of activities that we went through three times). Consisting of activities that involved strength and cardio such as bicep curls, rowing, lunge jumps, cycling, Russian twists, bur-pees, med ball squats and agility zigzag. On each activity we spent 45 seconds to do as much as we could while taking our time to not strain muscles or ligaments. we did a circuit of 45 seconds for each activity twice. The last circuit we did we were told that we were to spend 20 seconds on each activity but this time we were to put in our maximum amount of effort and the rest of our energy for each activity until the circuit finished.

  • What level of effort and engagement were you participating at during today’s physical activity? Why? (Grade yourself NA, A or M and refer to marking criteria)
My level of effort and engagement for this activity would be M-Merit
Marking criteria :

1. Does their best
2. Seeks to improve their performance through development of skills, well-being and fitness
3. Works hard towards the goal or objective of the activity

  • What were three factors which influenced your participation? (Choose from the list below, and put a + or - beside the three factors to show whether it positively or negatively influenced your participation).

- Fitness
- Well-being
- Injury/illness

  • Explain HOW these factors affected your participation (with specific examples)
- Fitness(+) - Fitness positively influenced my participation because I participated as much as possible because fitness is a key part of my life and i enjoy it.

- Well-being(+) - Well-being positively influenced my participation because I participated more knowing that what we were doing wasn't just for an assessment but it was also for my own well-being and that I could take from what we were doing in another way other than school work.

- Injury/illness(-) - Injury/illness negatively influenced my participation because I had recently bruised my tailbone by falling when playing after school basketball. This resulted in me not being able to participate in one of the activities as much as I would have liked to which was the Russian twist.

  • How could you increase your (or your peers) participation in this activity in the future?
I could have increased the participation of myself and my peers by reminding my friends to come school and peering up with them and encouraging them as they encourage me whilst doing each activity.

Monday, 31 July 2017

1101PEA - Sepak Takraw

  • Explain the physical activity you participated in.
The physical activity I participated is called Sepak Takraw("twine and kick") it is a game that origins from south east Asia. You could say it is a mix between football/soccer and volleyball because you play it in a volleyball type court with a net that is almost exactly the same. The rule to the game though are like football/soccer because you are only aloud to use your head,torso and feet. The objective is the same as volleyball you have to make it touch the ground on the opposing teams side.


  • What level of effort and engagement were you participating at during today's physical activity ? why ?
My level of effort and engagement for this physical activity was an achieved.
Marking criteria :
  1. I was organised and prepared for the lesson because I brought the correct gear. 
  2. I demonstrated skills related to the activity from using football skills to hit the ball to the other side.
  3. I was actively involved in the task by playing for the whole lesson.
  • What were three factors that influenced your participation?
(Competition +) Competition positively influenced me because it was slightly competitive because we were all versing each other.
(Skill level -) Skill level negatively influenced me because Sepak takraw is a game that requires a lot of agility and high weird looking jumps.   
(Challenge +) Challenge positively influenced me because I like a challenge sometimes even when it's a game that I've never played or heard of and plus was like playing football and volleyball at the same time.

  • How could you increase your (or your peer's) participation in this activity in the future ?
I could encourage my peers to stay focused on the activity and to try their best at successfully passing the ball from side to side.  

Projectile motion_1101PEA

What is projectile motion ?

Projectile motion is the motion that is made by a projectile that is propelled by a projector of sorts which is usually things such as sports balls, bullets, arrows,people,planes/helicopters and any other object that is either thrown or propelled into the air and has a flight path.

What are the three parts of projectile motion ?

Height of release - for things like sports(shot put) the height of an athlete can effect the projectile motion of the shot put. For example if two athletes were to throw a shot put at the same height, angle and speed but one was much taller than the other the taller athlete's shot put would travel a longer distance

Angle of release - The angle of release is also in-cooperated into projectile motion because for shot put if an athlete through a shot put at two high of an angle (for example 45 degrees) the shot put would not go it's full potential of distance. The recommended angle of release for a shot putter is in between 31 - 38 degrees because at this angle the shot put has the potential to go it's maximum distance with also the right amount of height and speed.  

Speed of release - The speed of release is also important because for a sport like badminton the speed of release must be much lower to sports such as volleyball because the projectile (shuttlecock) is much lighter than any other projectile used in sport. But the speed of release is important because even for badminton you need to make sure you use the right amount of speed for every hit to find a way to score.

Explain the activity this morning relating to projectile motion.

The activity we did this morning was that our teacher gave us a rubber band and a piece of paper and told us to try propel the piece of paper using the rubber band and that we could screw up, rip up and fold the paper any way we wanted to and try get the paper as far across the room as possible. But most of us didn't succeed in doing it the right way by tilting it up to change the angle of release and to change the height of release as well as the speed of release.

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

11PE :1.1 Reflections - Zumba

  • Explain the physical activity you participated in. 
The physical activity my class and I participated in was Zumba which is a dancing fitness programme. In this activity you watch a video of a Zumba instructor dancing to music which then you must follow their moves though out the song for an over all work out that involves both music and dancing.

  • What level of effort and engagement were you participating at during today's physical activity? Why? (grade your self NA, A, M and refer to marking criteria)  
(Early on in today's physical lesson I would had graded my effort and engagement a NA for not participating at all). But my level of effort and engagement by the end of the lesson I would mark myself a A for participating and trying(marking criteria - Being organised and prepared for the activity, Being actively involved in the task and Attempting to improve my level of performance.

  • What were three factors that influenced your participation? 
(choose from the list below, and put a + or - beside the three factors to show whether it positively or negatively influenced your participation).

  • Explain how these factors affected your participation (with specific examples)
1.  (Challenge - ) Challenge negatively influenced my participation because it was a bit of a challenge to follow the dance moves of the instructors on each of the videos.

2. (Skill - ) Skill negatively influenced my participation because I don't have much skill when it comes to things like dancing and i'm sure many of my other class mates would agree that they don't either.

3. (Equipment + ) Equipment positively influenced my participation because I remembered to bring my P.E gear and it was appropriate to the activity we were participating at.

  • How could you increase your (or your peers) participation in this activity
I could have been involved from the start and encouraged my peers to join in as well and realised that even though it would have meant me stepping out of my comfort zone if everyone else was doing it it wouldn't matter.

1101PEA: The 3 classes of levers

The 3 parts of levers :

  • Fulcrum - The fulcrum is the pivot point of each lever. (Triangle)
  • Effort - The effort is the part of the lever that uses the pressure or pivot applied to it from either the fulcrum or an external force to move the load. (Rectangle) 
  • Load - The load is last part of the lever that is moved from the fulcrum and effort. It is also the resistance of each of the other lever parts. (Square)

Classes of levers :

3rd class
  1. Seesaw
  2. Wheel barrow
  3. Arm

Monday, 19 June 2017

11 PEA Newton's Laws of Motion

  • Who is Isaac Newton ? - The professor/scientist that created the 3 laws of motion to help understand and explain motion and what happens to objects and motion.
  • Explain the 3 laws ? 
  1.  Law of inertia - The process of an object that is not moving or moving at a constant speed. Then another force applied that makes a stationary object move or accelerate the speed of a moving object.
  2. Law of acceleration - The process of an object accelerating from a force applied to make it move (example) F=MxA force = mass x acceleration. The more mass, the more force, the more acceleration and the more distance an object is propelled.
  3. Law of action/reaction - The process where an object has an action then a equal and opposite reaction the more force applied the greater the action and greater the reaction (example) throwing a ball at the wall the ball being throw is the action then it bouncing off the wall ad back to you is the reaction.  

  • How did the game inertia ball demonstrate Newton's Laws ? - The activity we did which was Inertia Ball demonstrated the 3 laws by.    
Law 1 - The inertia of the flex ball was being affected when we were throwing the other balls at it because the forces from the balls being thrown was pushing the ball across the rec.
Law 2 - The acceleration of the flex ball was being increased when we were throwing the basketballs at it because they were the heaviest and had the most mass F=MxA force = mass x acceleration.
Law 3 - There were actions and reactions when we threw the balls(action) and they hit the flex ball which propelled it to accelerate and the balls flew away in different directions(reaction).      

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

1.1 Reflection - Ultimate Frisbee

  • Explain the physical sport you participated in 
The physical sport I participated in is called Ultimate Frisbee. It is a game where there are two opposing teams and a Frisbee that is used to score the aim of the game is to throw the Frisbee to a team mate that is standing over the line and for them to catch it which this is how you score. The rules to this game are simple there are two out lines on either side if the Frisbee is not caught by your team mate when thrown then it is a hand over. The Frisbee can also be intercepted by an opponent catching the Frisbee but if they fail to do so and only smack it out of the air then it is still the team that threw it's ball these are the basic rules to Ultimate Frisbee.

  • What level of effort and engagement was I participating at during today's physical activity?Why(Grade your self NA,A or M and refer to marking criteria)
I would give myself a M level of effort and engagement because I worked hard towards the goal or objective of the activity. I showed enjoyment of the activity when our team was doing well even though there were struggles with weather being too windy. I was also motivated and reliable in the practical context because I was motivated to win and score and was a reliable part of my team. I as well as seek to improve my performance through development of skills, well-being and fitness.

  • What were three factors that influenced my participation (positives/negatives -/+)?
+/positive - past experience - In previous lessons we have played this game and we withdrew a lot of enjoyment from it.

-/negative - challenge/environment - A negative influence for me was that the environment made playing the game a challenge because the Frisbee would go flying everywhere.

+/positive - equipment - A positive influence was that I brought all my gear even though I still wore a singlet out in the wind on the field.

  • Explain how these factors effected my participation (with specific examples)
these factors effected my participation by making me want to play because I like a challenge even though the environment was cold and windy. It was also an alright game because we had previous experiences just inside instead of outside. But over all I participated at my fullest.

How could you increase your (or your peers) participation in this activity in the future ?
remind myself as well as my peers to not only bring their PE gear but bring PE gear appropriate to the whether.

Monday, 12 June 2017

Balance and Stability

Questions :

  • What are the three parts of balance and stability ?
COG - centre of gravity
LOG - line of gravity
BOS - base of stability
  • How can someone increase their balance and/or stability ?
By lowering your centre of gravity/COG,widening 
your base of support/BOS and making sure your 
line of gravity/LOG is in your base of support.
  • Describing my task 
The other day my class did this activity but I did not because I was away the activity was that they were given pictures of poses that they had to recreate which are the pictures in the slides. Today's task was to put them into a slide and write down the COG,LOG,BOS onto the images with lines and the COG being a circle in the middle. The COG,LOG,BOS was colour coded like this as well. I also enjoyed this activity and found that none of it was necessarily difficult.   

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Skeletal System - Jack

What are the roles of the skeletal system ?
The roles of the skeletal system are.
- Support our weight
- protect our vital organs
- to keep us up right and able to stand and function

What are the types of bones ?
There are 3 main types of bones in your body they are.
- short bones - these bones are mainly Carpals/Tarsals, Metacarpals/Metatarsals and Phalanges
- flat bones - these bones are mainly scapula, ribs, sternum, cranium and pelvis
- long bones - these bones are mainly humerus, ulna, radius, femur, tibia and fibula

What was this activity ?
Explanation - This activity was one that we did in a group with our class mates our teacher told us and allowed us to grab anything we wanted to make a skeleton look a like out of the equipment from the school P.E shed we had five minutes to do so we had used all this equipment to form our groups skeleton in the image above with labels included help what each piece of equipment stood for and why it was placed there.  

The Muscular Skeletal System

Muscular Skeletal System :

  • What are the three types of muscles ? (Examples)   
  1. Cardiac - (Example) Heart
  2. Smooth - (Example) Intestines 
  3. Skeletal - (Example) Biceps brachii
  • Choose one activity we have completed in class and describe what your task was
  1. Kahoot : for kahoot we revised the bones and skeletal muscles I worked with my two class friends paris and brodie.
  • Describe what agonist and antagonist muscles are 
  • What are some movements in the body and examples of the movement in a sport ? 
     Example/Sport movement - Pull ups

Agonist - Biceps brachii is the agonist in this movement because the biceps brachii is contracting/shortening. This muscle is the agonist when pulling up (elbow flexion) which is when you pull your body up by bending/contracting your arms(this is elbow flexion) and pull your chin over the bar.

Antagonist - Triceps brachii is the antagonist in this movement because the triceps brachii is extending/lengthening


Wednesday, 3 May 2017

PEA1101_Reflection 1_Futsal

1101PEA : Reflection 1 - Futsal

  • Explain the physical activity that you participated in :

 I participated in the game called futsal it is similar to football/soccer. The rules are a maximum of 5 players per team on the field and no hand ball like normal and that's pretty much it there's also no outs, off sides and penalties other than hand ball penalty.

  • What level of effort and engagement were you participating at during today's physical activity? Why? (Grade yourself NA, A or M and refer to marking criteria) :

I participated at a merit level :
(Marking criteria)
1. Motivated and reliable in the practical context
2. Works hard towards the goal or object of the activity
3. Does their best

  • What were three factors which influenced your participation ?
Skill level - (+) Skill level positively influenced my participation because I have skills in football which futsal basically is just indoors and with different equipment

Previous experience - (+) Previous experience positively influenced my participation because futsal is very much like football which I played last year for the school and I enjoy football.

Environment - (-) Environment negatively influenced my participation because it could have been a lot more fun if we were to play outside but we didn't and that is the reason I didn't participate at my fullest.

  • How could you increase your (or your peers ) participation in this activity in the future ?
I could give my peers tips about football to help them with futsal and to help myself in the future be more of a team player and encourage team mates that need it.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

PPDAC cycle - Temperature & Ice-creams sold

I learned that your variables are one of the most important things about your measurements and the PPDAC cycle as well as your data. And what you use to measure these are your table and graphs.

Goal 1 - Listening to the teacher

Goal 1 :

Listening to the teacher. I will listen to the teacher so that I will get every piece of information about the sport that I need to play. If there are parts that don't make sense I will ask and not be shy because no questions is a dumb question unless I do not follow my goal at all and ask "what are we doing ?" after the teacher just explained. This will be my goal for the year.

Goal 2 - team decisions

Goal 2 :

Team decisions. I am going to apply my self to the appropriate team when doing sports or activities in my  practical periods for my PE class. How i'm going to do this when we are about to pick teams for a sport and instead of going on my friends team. I am going to go on the team that has either not as great players or an uneven/less than team. Same thing for as if there are two teams one with all the good players and one with the not so good players I will go on the bad/not as capable team to try my best to make it even. This will be my goal this year.

Monday, 6 March 2017

My PE SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis definition

Strengths,Weaknesses,Opportunities and Threats

  • The SWOT analysis is way to find out what you are best in, what you are not so good in, what chances you have to get good and what things can become things to make you do not so good which is all tested in a singular subject.

  • Strengths- I am capable at most sports(can do reasonably well) also well prepared I am a competitive player.

  • Weaknesses- I am not the greatest when it comes to teamwork/communication sometimes I go off task and end up not participating can be too talkative when not needed.

  • Opportunities- I can learn off people that are more experienced in a sport that I don’t know so well and ask for extra help from the teacher play a sport that I am very good at to participate to my full extent.

  • Threats- Things that can prevent my success is being out voted for a sport that I don’t like or am not good at or not being acknowledged which then makes me not participate in the sport and I don’t have an actual training space.